Springtime in Texas often brings thunderstorms, flooding and high winds. While nothing will keep a tornado from carrying your trampoline to Oz, there are some things you can do to prepare your Springfree Trampoline for severe weather.

Here are a few tips for ensuring your trampoline stays safe and intact during a Texas storm:

  1. Drop the Springfree Flexinet to the mat level. The following video gives your step-by-step instruction on how to de-install your Springfree Trampoline.
  2. A strapped down tarp covering your trampoline can help.
  3. If possible, move your Springfree Trampoline to an undercover/secure area.
  4. If you have ground anchors or sandbags, place them in position to hold down the frame.


For more tips on trampoline safety, visit your local showroom today.