Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Rainbow Play Systems
With Tropical Storm (soon to be Hurricane) Harvey approaching the Texas coastline, it’s a good time to remember that hurricane preparedness extends beyond your home’s four walls. Your yard can be a generator of debris during the high winds and flooding rains of a major weather event, and you should take steps to secure your Rainbow Play System, just as you would any other outdoor furniture.
Remove Your Tarps
Rainbow’s Heavy Duty signature Red, Yellow and Blue canopies offer protection from the sun or rain to make everyday a great day to play. It is designed to be removable for easy cleaning, and in a high wind situation, we recommend removing your tarp using the simple snap in installation system.
Remove Your Swings
The actual swings of your Rainbow Play System swing set are made to be easily swapped out for different styles or swing options as your child grows. You can start with a bucket swing for your toddler and upgrade to a full-size sling swing for your elementary school student. While the high winds won’t damage the heavy-duty swing chains in any way, you may consider temporarily removing the swing chains using Rainbow’s easy carabiner clip attachment to prevent chains from whipping against your wooden structure.
Prepping Other Play Equipment
If you own a Springfree Trampoline, you already know that your Springfree won’t get carried away by high winds as easily as other styles of trampolines. That doesn’t mean it’s 100 percent storm proof. See what Springfree recommends for Storm Proofing Your Springfree Trampoline.
For Goalsetter adjustable basketball goals, we also recommend retracting your backboard so that it is no higher than 6 feet.
If you have any questions about weather prepping your play equipment, give your local showroom a call and we’ll walk you through the preparedness process.
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